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per capita per day中文

用"per capita per day"造句"per capita per day" in a sentence"per capita per day"怎麼讀


  • 每人每日


  • As to health food of nutrient extender , besides representation on the basis of ( 1 ) , the formula ratio should also be marked with the intake of each nutrient per capita per day in the product , and should be listed along with the recommended intake of the corresponding nutrients per capita per day in " the daily reference intake of nutrients in dietary for chinese people " and " the category of mineral substances , vitamins and their dosage "
    營養素補充劑類保健食品,配方量除按( 1 )表述外,還應標出產品每種營養素的每人每日食用量,并與《中國居民膳食營養素每日參考攝入量》和《礦物質、維生素種類及用量》中相應營養素的每人每日推薦食用量一道對應列表表示。
  • Note : the participators of the experiment of three systems are almost practicing attorneys and investigators , and the experiment will be conducted outside beijing , so the expense per capita accounted in rmb is ( 1 ) travelling per capita : rmb 2 , 466 ; ( 2 ) lodging per capita per day : rmb 493 . 20 ; ( 3 ) allowance per capita per day : rmb 657 . 60
    說明:三項制度試驗項目主要由執業律師和偵查人員參加,并且是在北京以外的地區進行,其人均各項費用按人民幣計算分別為: ( 1 )人頭差旅費: 2466元; ( 2 )每人每天食宿費: 493 . 20元; ( 3 )每人每天津貼657 . 60元。
用"per capita per day"造句  
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